19 Jan My First Doll Repaint Using Acrylic Paint
So, silly ol’ Sybil had the ever so bright idea to attempt to repaint a Barbie doll using acrylic paint, something she had never done before. What more can I say?! If you wish to be entertained as well as disappointed, watch me attempt to fix a fail by trying something new, repainting a Barbie doll (Barbie Fashionistas Doll 91 – Varsity Platitude – Original), using acrylic paint.
Equipment Used:
- Patience.
- Your client (a doll in need of a makeover). I used Barbie Fashionistas Doll 91 – Varsity Platitude – Original.
- 100% Acetone.
- Isopropyl alcohol.
- Cotton buds.
- Acrylic paint.
- Pastels.
- Paint brushes.
- A matt sealant spray (Mr. Super Clear UV Cut Flat).
- Masking tape.
- A plastic pouch.
- A paper towel.
- Push pins.
Everything you will need should be available via Amazon.
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